Mesin Karton Termometer Elektronik GDC-130 untuk instrumen Medis
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Mesin Karton Termometer Elektronik GDC-130 untuk instrumen Medis

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It is an semi-automatic Electronic Thermometer box packing machine , also called Electronic Thermometer cartoning machine, Electronic Thermometer encasing machine.

semi-automatic cartoning machine is a newly developed and innovated model of our company on the basis of advanced technologies at home and abroad. It is a high-tech machine of light, electricity, gas and machinery. Therefore, the machine performance and operation efficiency can be improved to meet requirements of quick packing and to keep stable and reliable during high-speed operation.

It is compact in size, which can be used individually or connected to the blister packing machine or cellophane wrapping machine( or shrink packing machine).
The stable production speed is around 50-80 boxes per min.


GDC-130 automatic horizontal cartoning machine is a high-tech product of light, electricity, air equipment. It is applicable to carton the tube/irregular shape bottle/jar/soap/sachet or other irregular shape of product such as stationery,toy, hardware, for example,pen, pencil, car brake,valve, bearing,pencil/eyebrow pencil, birthday candle etc, as well as the soft package or product with tray automatically.

Application scope of cartoning machine

The machine working process

It can finish a series of complicated process, including product feeding, transferring on the conveyor, folding leaflet (into 1-4 fold(s)) and box sucking, opening, shaping and product pushing into the box, batch No embossing or ink jet printing( optional), box tuck-in closing or hot melt glue sealing, and final product output.

cartoning machine working process

Main Technical Parameters
Cartoning speed
20-50 cartons/min
30-80 cartons/min
30-70 cartons/min
30-120 cartons/min
Carton Quality
250-350g/m2 (depending on carton size)
Carton Size(LWH-mm)
Carton Fold
1-4 folds
Air ressure
Air consumption
Power supply
220V, 50HZ
380V 50Hz
Motor power
Dimensions (mm)
Machine weight
About 450KG
About 1100KG
About 1600KG
About 1500KG

cartoning machine model


Kategori Produk

Atas dasar lebih dari 20 tahun teknologi manufaktur, kami selalu mematuhi prinsip pelanggan terlebih dahulu, melakukan setiap pekerjaan detail dalam semangat pengerjaan, dan memberikan layanan purna jual yang paling tepat waktu dan efektif.
Hunan Grand Packing Machinery Co, Ltd (dengan Hunan Grand International Trade Co, ltd sebagai perusahaan pemasaran dan pengekspor) mengkhususkan diri dalam mesin farmasi dan pengepakan selama hampir 20 tahun, seperti ampul plastik yang membentuk mesin pengisi dan penyegel, pengisian kapsul mesin, mesin kemasan blister, mesin pengemas strip, mesin karton dll.

Kategori Produk

Hubungi kami

Telp: +86-731 85819268 +86-731 85818268
Seluler/Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-13787413551


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